A special post for my american friends !

bush gay pride
Sorry for you, french people, but in this post, I am going to write english (or almost english) for all the 300 millions of americans who are found of myself. Yes, you read well : I am maybe not a big star in my country but I am huge in the US ! I don’t really know how I became so famous over there. My charm ? My sens of humour ? My physics ? My french touch ? How can I know ? I am all that. I know what some french think about american people : they don’t know anything about the rest of the world. They don’t have a clue about where our country is and some of them still think that Charles de Gaulle is our president and that we all wear berets when we go outside searching for water. But americans are my friends and they are very different than you think. Look at this picture of George Bush : don’t you see that the most powerful president in the world (it’s scarry knowing that, hue ?) is not that stupid jerk that our media want us to beleive ? He is much more open minded that we heard. For example, he is fighting for the rights of homosexuals and he is not afraid to skate in the streets of Frisco dressed like a drag queen. I wish to see one day Nicolas Sarkozy being so brave and courageous. See ya folks and special hug to Jan and Kimberly !

4 Responses
  1. Ah oui, c’est vrai…. we brain dead Americans often see our fearless, ethical, loving leader of the people George Bush roller blading past the Civic Center in San Francisco (please don’t call it « Frisco ») all the time… and that very exciting event always looks exactly like your foto… so chic, so flamboyant, so… how you say?… debonaire. Ooooh lalalala!
    PS: Isn’t your country located right next to Argentina, on the Asian continent?

  2. jeff

    Exactly. You’re good with your geography. We have frontiers with Argentina and Bulgary who speak french just like us. You should visit us someday. You’ll love to walk among the palm trees and visit our souks. I’ll make you taste the best sushis you ever had. I’ve got to go : I have to feed my seal who’s in my garden. As we say in French : auf wiedersehen !

  3. Sometime very soon, I promise to write a few fabulously intellectual comments on your blog in perfectly crafted French… it will be so much more entertaining for your compadres to read my observations in the mother tongue, yes? No?Meantime, I am desperately trying to purchase an airline ticket to your wonderful country as soon as possible, on IndiGo or some other equally excellent French carrier… but for some strange reason, the idiots in the massive Japanese call centers (Dallas-Fort Worth) can’t seem to understand where I want to go (or why?)… perhaps they should all go back to America and learn English or perhaps their mega ordinateur (god, I love that word) system is down.
    Anyway, au revoir and endless kisses to your adorable seal!

  4. jeff

    I can’t wait (and France too) to read your thoughts in french.
    P.S. : my seal is not adorable at all ! It sticks, it’s awfull. I wash its teeth but it doesn’t help…


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